Faith in later life  


“They will flourish... and bear fruit in old age.” (Psalm 92:13-14)

Faith in later life are on a mission to inspire and equip Christians to reachserve and empower older people in every community, through the local church; and to encourage older people in their faith.


Faith in Later Life brings together 650 years expertise of four leading Christian charities spearheading Christian mission with and through older people, providing a central hub of resources to help guide, enable and encourage churches and people, older or otherwise, in many different aspects of later life. We also have a network of Church Champions, often providing additional support through Faith in Later Life, to their church communities.

They have a national UK directory of church led activities for older people of all faiths and none, which provides a vital signposting service for communities across the UK, so an older person can see what friendship and community is being offered by churches in their area, and join in.

They also commission projects and resources, where there is a gap, so that we can equip Christians and churches to effectively reach, serve and empower older people everywhere.

There are 11.9 million older people in the UK, and older people make up a significant proportion of church congregations . And we know that 3.9 million older people in the UK say television is their main company and that 1 million older people say they are always or often lonely.

These facts and figures present challenges for Society but also huge opportunity. Church was created to be intergenerational, and the Bible speaks of the wisdom of older people, and their purpose, and tells us that God will continue to carry and sustain those in older age.

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