
If you have a funeral to arrange we are so sorry to hear of your loss.

A funeral is a way to both celebrate the life of a loved one but also, importantly, as a milestone to mark their loss and to acknowledge our grief. Many find a funeral painful but also a helpful step in their grief journey.

Who should I speak to?

Firstly you should speak to your Funeral Director who will make all of the arrangements for you. They liaise with your minister, the crematorium or burial ground and with the church office. They are happy to coordinate things for you and make this as easy as it can be so please do keep in touch with them throughout.
Please do let the church office know ( in the first instance, particularly if you want to hold a service in church.

What happens next?

Once we have arrangements in place, dates and locations booked and the funeral in the ministers diary, the minister will make an arrangement to come and visit (or contact online during restrictions) to talk to you about the service and about your loved one. Together you will plan the service with the minister.

Things to start to consider include:

- any hymns or songs you might want to include
- any tributes - are they family tributes or would you like the minister to draft and read one for you
- the Bible reading you would like
- any other content such as a poem or other family tributes or memories

The minister will talk you through the service and, using the service of the Church of England as a basis, tailor the service to the wishes of the family.

Who should I do now?

Contact the Christ Church office and someone there will talk you through your next steps.

You can find more information about arranging a funeral at  funerals

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